Monday 11 October 2010

Paradox Concept Art

Main area consists of the live view your playing
Small screen in the top left corner is what you were playing previously, showing where you were and what you were doing at the time
The top clock shows the time of which you were playing that sequence so you can co-ordinate moves
Bottom clock is your current time
Map shows your positioning at both time, preventing a paradox aka, you seeing yourself.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Game Outlines

Theme:            Futuristic Sci-Fi
Genre:            Puzzle
Core Aesthetics:  Fantasy and Escapism
Objective:        Collecting
Design:           Abstract Graphics

Sources of inspiration:

Brazil (1985) example of space and colour

Brazil (1985) concept of ordinary job becoming a dangerous one, once futuristic sci-fi is incorporated

City of Lost Children (1995) repetition and childlike qualities, possible source of inspiration for BioShock

BioShock (2008) a source of inspiration.  Though the overall concept of the game is slightly different to that of my game the design is something I wish to replicate, similarly with Brazil (1985) and City of Lost Children (1995).  I prefer the more British and European approaches to the Fantasy/Escapism genres, therefore will be looking more at this work then that of their American counterparts.

Friday 8 October 2010

Concept Ideas

Ordinary jobs made extra-ordinary by circumstances
Initial Ideas:

Bay-lifter, the aim is to go from one house to the next extracting goods from peoples homes in order to collect the rent.   Your objective, to control two Bay-lifts at the same time.  One, investigating the house and collecting cash and goods the other distracting the tenants.  The puzzle is social interaction as well as the hunt for objects.

Plumber, similar to the Brazil (1985) extract your mission is to go into homes and fix the piping.  With this being a futuristic sci-fi world plumbing is not an easy profession.  The puzzle is the piping, skills required are resourcefulness and calmness under time constraints.  

Other Idea:

Cyber Guide Dog, your a cyber guide dog in the future world.  Your objective is to keep your master save, avoiding obstacles and distractions.  You have to take them round a city, loosing points if they walk into things or tripping over.

Development of Idea

Cyber Guide Dog, change to general servant.

Cyber Servant concept design idea

 Combining some ideas:

Paradox, your controlling two characters, at different times.  One sets up a scenario for the next to complete the challenge.  The character can time travel, the paradox is that the character can not see themselves from the past/future.
The game is to collect an object in different environments and time to create an unlimited paradox scenario, saving not just the world but time itself!

Simular concept to the game Chronotron